English Writing Software Market Overview

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An overview and ranking of English writing software on the market.

English Writing Software

Also known as: English writing software, text correction software, software for English writers

Ranking Website Description Rating Information
1. GrammarSoftware.com WS products at discount rates. Recommended Read more
2. EnglishSoftware.org Grammar check software. Very good Read more
3. GingeSoftware.com Mainly targeting people with dyslexia. Good Read more
4. Grammary.com Online grammar checker. Ok Read more

What were the requirements?

It can take years to master English writing, proper punctuation, and complex grammar rules. Manual proofreading is time consuming and to employ a proof reader to correct grammar mistakes is expensive. Luckily, there's English Writing Software. A common solution to fix and enhance your writing on a daily basis.

English Writing Software should contain a grammar, punctuation, sentence structuring, and English writing style checker which makes sure that your official letters in Word, your presentations in PowerPoint, your pdf reports in Acrobat, and your daily email correspondence are error-free ...consistently.

The software should check your grammar, make sure that your texts are composed professionally, proofread whole documents, and enhance your writing by offering alternative business-style constructions and vocabulary.

English writing software should be highly intuitive to use, tested, and approved by language processing experts and grammarians. Such English correction and word processing software should be compatible with all standard Windows applications.

English Writing Software should highlight inadvertent typographical errors and suggest most effective words, in context with your written sentences, with a simple mouse click.

Not only should it highlight everything from grammatical mistakes to unpopular sentence structuring howlers at the click of your mouse button, but also offer alternative words to assist in showcasing your writing skills.

Using a free grammar or spell check online can help to quickly find some writing mistakes, but they do not offer the same quality as any software does.

Who can benefit?

Authors, ESL, Students, TEFL, Teachers, Writers, Language Learners, English Scholars, Journalists, Proofreaders, Copywriters, Marketing Employees, Translators, Linguists, Business Executives, Tutors, Salesmen, Lawyers, Secretaries, Doctors, and everyone else writing English.

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